9. Experience of Christ [161]

161 hymns in 47 sub-categories

9.1 In the Spirit [4]
9.2 As the Spirit [2]
9.3 As God's Testimony [1]
9.4 As God's Centrality and Universality [1]
9.5 As the Reality [1]
9.6 As Grace [1]
9.7 As Life [12]
9.8 As Food [1]
9.9 As Everything [23]
9.10 As the All-sufficient One [3]
9.11 As the Subjective One [2]
9.12 As the Indwelling One [1]
9.13 As the Available One [1]
9.14 As the Emancipator [1]
9.15 Versus All Things [1]
9.16 His Riches [1]
9.17 Love for Him [5]
9.18 Containing Him [1]
9.19 Fellowship with Him [12]
9.20 Abiding in Him [9]
9.21 Trusting Him [11]
9.22 Resting on Him [3]
9.23 Obeying Him [1]
9.24 Following Him [4]
9.25 Walking with Him [1]
9.26 Living in Him [1]
9.27 Expressing Him [3]
9.28 Reflecting Him [1]
9.29 By Minding the Spirit [1]
9.30 By Following the Spirit [1]
9.31 His Overflowing Satisfaction [1]
9.32 General [4]
9.33 In Spirit [1]
9.34 As Food and Drink [9]
9.35 Enjoying Him [2]
9.36 Loving Him [7]
9.37 Satisfying Him [1]
9.38 As the Good Land [6]
9.39 As the Shepherd [1]
9.40 His Humanity [4]
9.41 The Power of His Resurrection [2]
9.42 As Our Person [6]
9.43 As the Son of Man Amidst the Lampstands [2]
9.44 Versus the Law [1]
9.45 Versus Religion [1]
9.46 As the Minister of the New Covenant [2]
9.47 As the Son of Man on the Throne [1]
9. Experience of Christ [161]
Sub-categories with hymns
9.1 In the Spirit ... #489-#492
#489.Oh, Jesus, Lord, when Thou on earth
#490.Lord, when the Father ne'er was known,
#491.Lord, Thou didst know when in the flesh,
#492.In all Thy work, O Lord, Thou didst

9.2 As the Spirit ... #493, #1142
#493.O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now
#1142.Jesus is the living Spirit,
Ch.Jesus is the living Spirit,

9.3 As God's Testimony ... #494
#494.Christ is the testimony true

9.4 As God's Centrality and Universality ... #495
#495.Christ is God's centrality

9.5 As the Reality ... #496
#496.Christ is the one reality of all,

9.6 As Grace ... #497
#497.Grace in its highest definition is

9.7 As Life ... #498-#508, #1351
#498.This is my wonderful story,
Ch.Christ in me, Christ in me,
#499.Oh, what a life! Oh, what a peace!
#500.Oh, what a might! Oh, what a strength!
#501.O glorious Christ, Savior mine,
Ch.Oh! Christ, expression of God, the Great,
#502.Once I was dead in sin,
Ch.And can it be that "He loved me,
#503.I serve a risen Savior;
Ch.He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
#504.Jesus, I live to Thee,
#505.There's a Man in the glory
#506.Jesus lives! thy terrors now
#507.Once far from God and dead in sin,
Ch.Christ liveth in me,
#508.Made free! Made free! O captive!
#1351.Christ has come to be life, the processed divine Trinity.
Ch.As this life flows through me, I'm supplied abundantly.

9.8 As Food ... #509
#509.A flowing river and a tree,
Ch.God is in Christ to be my supply,

9.9 As Everything ... #510-#532
#510.I've found the One of peerless worth,
#511.Jesus only is our message,
Ch.Jesus only, Jesus ever,
#512.Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou,
#513.Once it was the blessing,
Ch.All in all forever,
#514.There is One amid all changes
Ch.Jesus is the first,
#515.All is in Christ;
#516.Lord of all being, throned afar,
#517.Jesus, my Savior, is all things to me;
Ch.Jesus for me,
#518.Whom have I, Lord, in heav'n but Thee?
#519.My heart is fixed, eternal God,
#520.None other Lamb, none other Name,
#521.I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast shown,
#522.O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found,
Ch.Now none but Christ can satisfy,
#523.I have come to the Fountain of Life,
Ch.Oh, come to the Fountain of Life,
#524.I have found, I have found the way
#525.Jesus, Fountain of my days,
#526.Lord, Thou hast made Thyself to me
#527.The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want;
#528.The King of love my Shepherd is,
#529.How tedious and tasteless the hours
#530.Jesus is all the world to me:
#531.Fade, fade each earthly joy;
#532.Thou hidden source of calm repose,

9.10 As the All-sufficient One ... #533-#535
#533.For every sin however deep,
#534.The Savior can lift every burden,
Ch.The Savior can solve every problem,
#535.All things are possible to him

9.11 As the Subjective One ... #536-#537
#536.Objective and subjective Christ is to us,
#537.Christ to me is so subjective,
Ch.So subjective is my Christ to me!

9.12 As the Indwelling One ... #538
#538.It is God's intent and pleasure
Ch.It is God's intent and pleasure

9.13 As the Available One ... #539
#539.O Lord, Thou art in me as life
Ch.O Lord, Thou art the Spirit!

9.14 As the Emancipator ... #540
#540.What release the Savior gave me!
Ch.Christ has made me more than conqu'ror,

9.15 Versus All Things ... #541
#541.Not the law of letters,

9.16 His Riches ... #542
#542.O the riches of my Savior,
Ch.O the riches, O the riches,

9.17 Love for Him ... #543-#547
#543.I give my heart to Thee,
#544.Lord Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;
#545.When this passing world is done,
#546.I love my Lord, but with no love of mine,
#547.Something every heart is loving:

9.18 Containing Him ... #548
#548.Earthen vessel I was made,

9.19 Fellowship with Him ... #549-#560
#549.Enter the veil and go without the camp,
#550.Through Thy precious body broken —
#551.I've believed the true report,
Ch.Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
#552.Marvel not that Christ in glory
#553.In the secret of His presence
#554.I come to His presence afresh
#555.Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh,
#556.Thy name is sweet as ointment pourèd forth;
#557.Jesus Himself drew near,
#558.What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
Ch.Leaning, leaning,
#559.Savior, I by faith am touching
Ch.Touching Thee, new life is glowing
#560.Come, O Thou Traveler unknown,

9.20 Abiding in Him ... #561-#567, #1162-#1163
#561.Thou hast said Thou art the Vine, Lord,
#562.Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet,
Ch.Abiding, abiding,
#563.Abide in Thee! in that deep love of Thine,
#564.I have learned the wondrous secret
Ch.I'm abiding in the Lord
#565.Under His wings I am safely abiding;
Ch.Under His wings, under His wings,
#566.Oh, safe to the Rock that is higher than I,
Ch.Hiding in Thee, hiding in Thee,
#567.O Lamb of God, still keep me
#1162.We've found the secret of living,
Ch.Abiding in the vine,
#1163.He's the vine and we're the branches,
Ch.In the vine, in the vine,

9.21 Trusting Him ... #568-#578
#568.'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Ch.Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him,
#569.Simply trusting every day;
Ch.Trusting as the moments fly,
#570.All my doubts I give to Jesus;
Ch.I am trusting, fully trusting,
#571.Thou whose name is callèd Jesus,
#572.Jesus hath died and hath risen again,
Ch.Jesus saves me now,
#573.Once I thought I walked with Jesus,
Ch.Oh, the peace the Savior gives!
#574.Lord Jesus, Thou dost keep Thy child
#575.I take Thy promise, Lord, in all its length,
#576.I clasp the hand of Love divine,
Ch.I take Thee, blessed Lord,
#577.When I fear my faith will fail,
Ch.He will hold me fast,
#578.My will is weak, my strength is frail,

9.22 Resting on Him ... #579-#581
#579.Jesus! I am resting, resting
Ch.Jesus! I am resting, resting
#580.Resting on the faithfulness of Christ our Lord,
#581.On Thee my heart is resting,
Ch.On Thee my heart is resting,

9.23 Obeying Him ... #582
#582.When we walk with the Lord
Ch.Trust and obey,

9.24 Following Him ... #583-#586
#583.Go to Him "without the camp,"
#584.Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go,
Ch.Anywhere! Anywhere! Fear I cannot know.
#585.He leadeth me! O blessed thought,
Ch.He leadeth me! He leadeth me!
#586.I can hear my Savior calling,
Ch.I will take my cross and follow,

9.25 Walking with Him ... #587
#587.'Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus,
Ch.Step by step, step by step,

9.26 Living in Him ... #588
#588.O blessed life — the heart at rest

9.27 Expressing Him ... #589-#591
#589.God in heaven hath a treasure,
#590.Lo, from vessels, earthen only,
#591.Not I, but Christ be honored, loved, exalted,
Ch.Oh, to be saved from myself, dear Lord,

9.28 Reflecting Him ... #592
#592.The earth absorbs the soft, refreshing rain,

9.29 By Minding the Spirit ... #593
#593.All I have in Adam is but sin and death,

9.30 By Following the Spirit ... #594
#594.Christ my very peace is
Ch.Following the Spirit,

9.31 His Overflowing Satisfaction ... #595
#595.There is always something over,

9.32 General ... #596-#599
#596.Mine is the earth, the worlds in all their fulness;
#597.I know that my Redeemer lives
#598.All fair within those children of the light,
#599.Lord, I was blind; I could not see

9.33 In Spirit ... #1141
#1141.We will sing to the Lord with our spirit,

9.34 As Food and Drink ... #1143-#1151
#1143.The tree of life, how sweet the fruit,
#1144.In the Word of old, we are clearly told,
Ch.Image, image,
#1145.God gave His Son to man to be
Ch.Yes, God is good for food!
#1146.Let us eat Jesus every day,
Ch.Eat, eat more of Jesus!
#1147.Christ is our manna true,
#1148."Come and dine," the Lord is calling,
#1149.Of Him whence grace and truth did spring,
Ch.Glory to God! We're at the fountain drinking!
#1150.We're feeding on the living bread,
#1151.Drink! A river pure and clear that's flowing from the throne;
Ch.Do come, oh, do come,

9.35 Enjoying Him ... #1152-#1153
#1152.To Jesus every day we find our hearts are closer drawn;
Ch.The half cannot be fancied of such a treasure-store,
#1153.We have found the Christ who's all in all;
Ch.It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,

9.36 Loving Him ... #1154-#1160
#1154.I love Thee, Jesus,
#1155.How I love Thee, precious Jesus,
Ch.Our Beloved, how we love Him,
#1156.To the Lord we're as a garden,
Ch.Spikenard, saffron, henna* flower,
#1157.His banner over me is love,
Ch.Is love! Is love!
#1158.Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
#1159.Jesus Lord, I'm captured by Thy beauty.
#1160.Jesus is our lovely Bridegroom,
Ch.O our Bridegroom! O our Bridegroom!

9.37 Satisfying Him ... #1161
#1161.Christ will make His seeking lover
Ch.His beloved — how He loves her,

9.38 As the Good Land ... #1164-#1169
#1164.Jesus, the all-inclusive land,
#1165.We're in the land, we're in the land!
Ch.He is the milk and honey, too;
#1166.God has set the land before us,
Ch.Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
#1167.Laboring on the good land, laboring in the morning,
Ch.Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
#1168.Laboring on Jesus, the good land so real,
Ch.O Jesus! You're God's good land
#1169.Our worship in reality

9.39 As the Shepherd ... #1170
#1170.The Lord is my Shepherd forever,
Ch.Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

9.40 His Humanity ... #1171-#1174
#1171.In the Testament of old
#1172.Lo, the conflict of the ages
Ch.Let us stand up in Jesus
#1173.Grant us the vision clear to see
Ch.Breathing this man within the Word,
#1174.What a victory! What a triumph!

9.41 The Power of His Resurrection ... #1175-#1176
#1175.Power, exceeding great pow'r is to us,
Ch.There is pow'r, pow'r, resurrection pow'r,
#1176.Pow'r exceeding great God did demonstrate
Ch.Power, power, resurrection power,

9.42 As Our Person ... #1177-#1182
#1177.Oh, Christ in all His glory put on humanity
Ch.O Lord, O Lord, You are the man for me!
#1178.We have seen Christ is reality:
Ch.Hallelujah! By His light we see
#1179.My old man has been crucified with Him,
#1180.My old person has been nullified;
Ch.Christ, my Person, in my spirit lives;
#1181.Lord, to know Thee as our Person,
Ch.Lord, Thou art our Person,
#1182.In spirit and reality

9.43 As the Son of Man Amidst the Lampstands ... #1183-#1184
#1183.On the Lord's day, John, in spirit,
#1184.In Revelation chapter one

9.44 Versus the Law ... #1185
#1185.In the multitude he lay there

9.45 Versus Religion ... #1186
#1186.The scribes and Pharisees all thought

9.46 As the Minister of the New Covenant ... #1187-#1188
#1187.Your ministry, O Lord,
#1188.Upon the throne of Jesus Christ

9.47 As the Son of Man on the Throne ... #1189
#1189.Son of Man, Son of Man on the throne today;
9. Experience of Christ [161]