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Revelation 1
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In Revelation chapter one God gives a vision of the Son, Of Him who was and is to come; Oh, let us to this One now come. |
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In spirit hear His trumpet voice; We must be turned to see His choice — The seven lampstands golden fair; The Son of Man is walking there. |
3 |
The great high priestly robe He wears, For every church He fully cares: He trims the lamp, the oil supplies; He makes them burn, flames in His eyes. |
4 |
A golden girdle on His breast — His work is done, and from His rest He unto all the churches pours Himself in love, the treasure store. |
5 |
His head, His hair is white as wool — The ancient One with youth is full. His face is shining as the sun To burn and lighten every one. |
6 |
Oh, when this living One we see, We'll fall as dead, we'll finished be. But then the Lord His comfort gives — He once was dead, but now He lives. |
7 |
Let every church just love Him more — His riches then He will outpour. All others loves now lay aside; Let's take this Jesus, none beside. |
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