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Sub-categories with hymns
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
10.1 As the Everlasting Portion ... #600-#601
#600. | | My God, my Portion, and my Love, |
#601. | | My heart is resting, O my God, |
Ch. | | Oh, peace of God that passeth thought, |
10.2 As Life ... #602, #1191-#1196
#602. | | O how glorious! O how holy! |
#1191. | | From my spirit within flows a fountain of life — |
Ch. | | Lord, I treasure the sweet flow of life, |
#1192. | | Chapter one of Genesis: |
#1193. | | Life is God the Father in Christ Jesus |
#1194. | | There are two lines to live by in our living today — |
Ch. | | Oh, we'll stay on God's life line, never turning aside. |
#1195. | | Life is mysterious, life is God Himself, |
#1196. | | Our God is living — say, Hallelujah! |
10.3 As Light ... #603, #1197
#603. | | Eternal Light! Eternal Light! |
#1197. | | God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all! |
Ch. | | Sisters: In the light, |
10.4 As Help ... #604
#604. | | Unto the hills around do I lift up |
10.5 As the Dwelling Place ... #605-#607
#605. | | My home is God Himself; Christ brought me there, |
#606. | | Oh, how the thought of God attracts |
#607. | | O God, our help in ages past, |
10.6 By the Trinity ... #608-#609
#608. | | What mystery, the Father, Son and Spirit, |
Ch. | | The Triune God has now become our all! |
#609. | | I praise Thee for Thy mystery, |
10.7 By the Spirit as the Transmission ... #610
#610. | | God's Spirit His transmission is, |
10.8 By Exercising the Spirit ... #611-#612
#611. | | God's glorious substance Spirit is, |
#612. | | God intends that all His being |
Ch. | | All God's being, all His riches |
10.9 Fellowship with Him ... #613-#616
#613. | | I would commune with Thee, my God; |
#614. | | Nearer, my God, to Thee, |
#615. | | Begin the day with God! |
#616. | | Day is dying in the west, |
Ch. | | Holy, holy, holy, |
10.10 Obedience to His Will ... #617
#617. | | Thou sweet, beloved will of God, |
10.11 His Appearing ... #1190
#1190. | | O Lord, You've called to us, and Canaan we would win, |
Ch. | | O Lord, appear to us today; |
10.12 His Dispensation ... #1198-#1199
#1198. | | A mighty flowing-out is God, |
#1199. | | God's intention in this universe is with humanity, |
Ch. | | Mingle, mingle, hallelujah, |
10.13 As the Wind, Cloud, Fire, and Electrum ... #1200-#1201
#1200. | | There's a stormy wind a-blowing from the north; |
Ch. | | Let it blow! the rushing mighty wind; |
#1201. | | From the north where God is dwelling |
10.14 His Purpose in Justification ... #1202
#1202. | | God in His justifying has a plan, |
10.15 His Righteousness, Holiness, and Glory ... #1203
#1203. | | God is righteous in His doings, |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
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