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*The name of the city may be replaced with any 3-syllable name; or in the place of "in Chicago", "here in Akron", or "here in Houston" may be sung.
1 |
In Chicago* land we must take our stand To meet Thy demand in these days. Lord, Thy purpose great doth our heart elate, As Thy name we now exalt and praise. |
Purpose, purpose, Thine eternal purpose; Show forth Christ and shame the enemy; Purpose, purpose, Thine eternal purpose; In Chicago realized must be. |
2 |
All things we forsake for Thy Body's sake, Soul-life for us break in Thy way. We've been wrecked by Thee, since Thy plan we see; On Thine altar everything we lay. |
Break us! Break us! For Thy purpose break us. Grant our spirits, Lord, a full release; Break us! Break us! For Thy purpose break us; In Chicago, Jesus must increase. |
3 |
With this vision clear and Thy presence dear, Our hearts have no fear — forth we go. Lord, Thy heart's desire has set us afire; To Thy chosen ones this vision show: |
Lampstand, lampstand, see the golden lampstand, Shining with the glory of the Lord. Lampstand, lampstand, see the golden lampstand, In Chicago, Jesus Christ is Lord. |
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