1. |
Th' anointing's here! O Christian brothers, [C] |
#1118 |
2. |
Th' anointing's here! The Lord is moving now in us; |
#1118 |
3. |
That which for long the prophets sought, |
#1319 |
4. |
The "churches" here below, so narrow bound, |
#828 |
5. |
The Bible is the Word of God, |
#1228 |
6. |
The birthright God has giv'n to us |
#1272 |
7. |
The chief Cornerstone Thou art, Lord, |
#834 |
8. |
The Christ we love is coming soon, [C] |
#1311 |
9. |
The Church has waited long, |
#961 |
10. |
The church is Christ's deep longing |
#1229 |
11. |
The Church is Christ's own Body, |
#824 |
12. |
The Church the lampstand is to Christ, |
#822 |
13. |
The Church the vessel is to Christ, |
#821 |
14. |
The Church's one foundation |
#833 |
15. |
The Church's seed is nought but Christ Himself |
#829 |
16. |
The churches are the Body |
#1265 |
17. |
The churches, the churches, [C] |
#1265 |
18. |
The cleansing stream I see, I see; [C] |
#1010 |
19. |
The Comforter has come, [C] |
#245 |
20. |
The cross is not greater than His grace, [C] |
#722 |
21. |
The cross it standeth fast, |
#620 |
22. |
The cross that He gave may be heavy, |
#722 |
23. |
The cross — we all were there, |
#1204 |
24. |
The day approaches; Jesus soon is coming. |
#1307 |
25. |
The days may yet grow darker, |
#710 |
26. |
The earth absorbs the soft, refreshing rain, |
#592 |
27. |
The essence of the Kingdom is |
#944 |
28. |
The faith which once for all was giv'n |
#1285 |
29. |
The grace which God bestows on us |
#1321 |
30. |
The Great Physician now is near, |
#990 |
31. |
The half cannot be fancied of such a treasure-store, [C] |
#1152 |
32. |
The heavier the cross, the nearer God; |
#624 |
33. |
The holiest of God's temple is |
#747 |
34. |
The Holy Spirit is the seal, |
#1120 |
35. |
The Holy Spirit is today |
#244 |
36. |
The image of the Father God, |
#57 |
37. |
The King of love my Shepherd is, |
#528 |
38. |
The kingdom of God is at hand: |
#1303 |
39. |
The law of God is holy, good, |
#734 |
40. |
The law of letters God defines, |
#735 |
41. |
The living of Christ when He sojourned on earth, |
#1082 |
42. |
The local churches are preparing for the Lord's return — |
#1311 |
43. |
The Lord has been revealed in us, |
#1300 |
44. |
The Lord has shown the way |
#1286 |
45. |
The Lord hath done great things for us; [C] |
#1337 |
46. |
The Lord is longing for His Bride, |
#1310 |
47. |
The Lord is my Shepherd forever, |
#1170 |
48. |
The Lord is ris'n; and death's dark judgment flood |
#120 |
49. |
The Lord of all has shown His plan |
#1212 |
50. |
The Lord said unto my Lord, |
#1102 |
51. |
The Lord shall get the glory |
#1095 |
52. |
The Lord will silently plan for thee, |
#674 |
53. |
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want; |
#527 |
54. |
The Lord, the seed of life, has sown Himself into our heart |
#1242 |
55. |
The love of Christ constraineth; |
#898 |
56. |
The love of God is greater far |
#28 |
57. |
The Maker of the universe |
#100 |
58. |
The name of Jesus is our stand, |
#887 |
59. |
The name of Jesus is so sweet, |
#67 |
60. |
The overflow of life is work, |
#910 |
61. |
The priest's position holy is; |
#791 |
62. |
The principle of incarnation |
#740 |
63. |
The queen in gold of Ophir |
#1099 |
64. |
The saints throughout the centuries |
#1092 |
65. |
The Savior can lift every burden, |
#534 |
66. |
The Savior can solve every problem, [C] |
#534 |
67. |
The scribes and Pharisees all thought |
#1186 |
68. |
The seed is simply Jesus! Oh, Jesus lives in me! [C] |
#1242 |
69. |
The Son of God goes forth to war, |
#884 |
70. |
The Son of God has come to sow |
#945 |
71. |
The Spirit of God today |
#242 |
72. |
The Spirit of life is within us today, |
#278 |
73. |
The Spirit of the triune God |
#749 |
74. |
The Spirit today is the air that we breathe; |
#1114 |
75. |
The tree of life, how sweet the fruit, |
#1143 |
76. |
The Triune God has now become our all! [C] |
#608 |
77. |
The unity of the Church is but |
#831 |
78. |
The universe of God consists |
#1296 |
79. |
The veil is rent and opened is |
#771 |
80. |
The veil is rent! Lo! Jesus stands |
#109 |
81. |
The vict'ry's won! O Christian brothers, [C] |
#1289 |
82. |
The vict'ry's won! The Lord has triumphed o'er the foe! |
#1289 |
83. |
The voice of my Beloved, |
#1323 |
84. |
The way of the Cross means sacrifice, |
#630 |
85. |
The wedding feast, the peak of man's enjoyment |
#1329 |
86. |
The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin; |
#1018 |
87. |
The work is Thine, O Christ our Lord, |
#899 |
88. |
Then all my being sings in praise to Thee, [C] |
#17 |
89. |
Then rejoice evermore, rejoice evermore, [C] |
#717 |
90. |
Then shall I know as I am known, [C] |
#702 |
91. |
Then trust in God through all thy days; [C] |
#715 |
92. |
Then we'll trust in the Lord, and He will provide; [C] |
#705 |
93. |
There are two lines to live by in our living today — |
#1194 |
94. |
There in old Chaldea, product of man's fall, |
#1269 |
95. |
There is a certain sense of life |
#738 |
96. |
There is a foe whose hidden pow'r |
#415 |
97. |
There is a fountain filled with blood |
#1006 |
98. |
There is a green hill far away, |
#995 |
99. |
There is a healing branch that grows |
#753 |
100. |
There is a name I love to hear, |
#70 |
101. |
There is a name to Jesus given, |
#74 |
102. |
There is a place of quiet rest, |
#375 |
103. |
There is a stream which issues forth |
#983 |
104. |
There is always something over, |
#595 |
105. |
There is life for a look at the Crucified One, |
#1035 |
106. |
There is no gain but by a loss; |
#623 |
107. |
There is no love like the love of Jesus, |
#1012 |
108. |
There is One amid all changes |
#514 |
109. |
There is one Body in this universe, [C] |
#1107 |
110. |
There is pow'r, pow'r, resurrection pow'r, [C] |
#1175 |
111. |
There is power, power, wonder-working power, [C] |
#1009 |
112. |
There is sunshine in my soul today, |
#343 |
113. |
There shall be showers of blessing: |
#260 |
114. |
There was One who was willing to die in my stead, |
#1067 |
115. |
There were ninety and nine that safely lay |
#1077 |
116. |
There's a church in New York City*, |
#1263 |
117. |
There's a light upon the mountains, |
#954 |
118. |
There's a little word that the Lord has giv'n |
#692 |
119. |
There's a Man in the glory |
#505 |
120. |
There's a race for us to run — Hallelujah, |
#1206 |
121. |
There's a stormy wind a-blowing from the north; |
#1200 |
122. |
There's a Stranger at the door, |
#1039 |
123. |
There's a way before us and a race to run — |
#1207 |
124. |
There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus: |
#992 |
125. |
Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, |
#1341 |
126. |
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water |
#1340 |
127. |
Therefore, they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, |
#1342 |
128. |
They were borne on the cross, [C] |
#1067 |
129. |
Thine be the glory, risen, conqu'ring Son, |
#121 |
130. |
Thine be the glory, risen, conqu'ring Son, [C] |
#121 |
131. |
Thine the cup of suff'ring, [C] |
#227 |
132. |
This day the Lord has spoken, |
#467 |
133. |
This is My rest forever; |
#1338 |
134. |
This is my story, this is my song, [C] |
#308 |
135. |
This is my wonderful story, |
#498 |
136. |
This is the time for building the temple of the Lord |
#1254 |
137. |
Thou art all my life, Lord, |
#841 |
138. |
Thou art coming, O my Savior, |
#967 |
139. |
Thou art fairer than the morning, |
#173 |
140. |
Thou art fairer than the morning, [C] |
#173 |
141. |
Thou art God's testimony, Lord, |
#194 |
142. |
Thou art love and Thou art light, Lord, |
#13 |
143. |
Thou art love! Thou art light! [C] |
#13 |
144. |
Thou art the everlasting Word, |
#59 |
145. |
Thou art the living Word, O Lord, |
#58 |
146. |
Thou art the Rock everlasting, |
#199 |
147. |
Thou art the Son beloved, |
#189 |
148. |
Thou art the Sun of righteousness |
#200 |
149. |
Thou art the Word and Spirit, Lord; |
#802 |
150. |
Thou Breath from still eternity |
#252 |
151. |
Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown, |
#1060 |
152. |
Thou hast said Thou art the Vine, Lord, |
#561 |
153. |
Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me; |
#1334 |
154. |
Thou hidden love of God, whose height, |
#423 |
155. |
Thou hidden source of calm repose, |
#532 |
156. |
Thou Magnet of my soul! |
#356 |
157. |
Thou my everlasting Portion, |
#386 |
158. |
Thou sweet, beloved will of God, |
#617 |
159. |
Thou thinkest, Lord, of me! [C] |
#698 |
160. |
Thou whose name is callèd Jesus, |
#571 |
161. |
Thou, Father, who art Spirit true, |
#11 |
162. |
Thou, Lord, to death's domain |
#122 |
163. |
Thou, Lord, to God art precious, |
#169 |
164. |
Though Christ a thousand times |
#477 |
165. |
Though there's all kinds of battles in our living each day, [C] |
#1291 |
166. |
Though Thou art God, most glorious, high, |
#86 |
167. |
Though troubles assail, |
#704 |
168. |
"Though your sins be as scarlet, |
#1037 |
169. |
Through all the changing scenes of life, |
#714 |
170. |
Through countless ages, many men |
#1093 |
171. |
Through God's word, my hope at His returning |
#1210 |
172. |
Through the bread and cup, Lord Jesus, |
#227 |
173. |
Through the Cross, O Lord, I pray, [C] |
#279 |
174. |
Through Thy precious body broken — |
#550 |
175. |
Throughout the whole of Holy Writ |
#980 |
176. |
Thy blood was shed to cleanse from sin, Lord Jesus, [C] |
#363 |
177. |
Thy blueprint, Lord, I treasure dear, |
#838 |
178. |
Thy dwelling-place, O Lord, I love; |
#852 |
179. |
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone |
#275 |
180. |
Thy Life was giv'n for me, |
#436 |
181. |
Thy mighty love, O God, constraineth me, |
#431 |
182. |
Thy name is as ointment poured forth: |
#1084 |
183. |
Thy name is sweet as ointment pourèd forth; |
#556 |
184. |
Thy name we love, Lord Jesus, |
#69 |
185. |
Thy sorrows, Savior, we retrace, |
#97 |
186. |
Thy Spirit of pow'r with might, [C] |
#275 |
187. |
Thy way, not mine, O Lord, |
#393 |
188. |
Thy Word is like a storehouse, Lord, |
#804 |