Index of First Lines & Choruses

1. Face to face I shall behold Him, [C] #963
2. Face to face with Christ, my Savior, #963
3. Fade, fade each earthly joy; #531
4. Fainting in the desert, #248
5. Fairest Lord Jesus! #175
6. Faith is the victory! [C] #882
7. Faith of our fathers, living still #830
8. Far above all is our Savior enthroned; #128
9. Far above all! Far above all! [C] #128
10. Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling, #324
11. Far, far away, in heathen darkness dwelling, #917
12. Far, far behind me! [C] #438
13. Father God, Thou art the source of life. #1081
14. Father of heav'n, whose love profound #4
15. Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us #34
16. Father, let Thy kingdom come, #795
17. Father, long before creation, #33
18. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, #470
19. Father, Thy name our souls would bless, #47
20. Father, Thy Son beloved leads our praise #50
21. Father, to Thee a joyful song we raise #52
22. Father, to us Thy mercy Thou hast shown, #25
1. "Fear not, I am with thee"; #686
2. Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throne, #649
3. Feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink, [C] #811
4. Feed on His faithfulness, my soul, #655
1. Fight the battle in the Body! [C] #885
2. Fight the battle in the Body, #885
3. Fight the good fight with all thy might! #872
4. Fight, saints, for Jesus our Lord! #1283
5. Fill all my vision, Savior divine, [C] #381
6. Fill all my vision, Savior, I pray, #381
7. Fill me now! Fill me now! [C] #267
8. Fill me with Thy gracious Spirit, #267
9. Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God, #376
10. First the blood, and then the ointment, #279
1. Flow through me, Lord, a weak and earthly vessel, #249
1. Follow brothers, follow sisters, [C] #1245
2. Follow Jesus in the spirit; [C] #1247
3. Follow! Follow! I would follow Jesus! [C] #461
4. Following the Spirit, [C] #594
5. For every sin however deep, #533
6. For He's a wonderful Savior to me, [C] #335
7. For His love floweth on, free and full as a river; [C] #150
8. For my heart tells me different [C] #1328
9. For the bread and for the wine, #226
10. For the Church should be our service, #914
11. For the Church should be our service, [C] #914
12. For the glorious revelation #970
13. For you I am praying, [C] #933
14. "Forward!" be our watchword, #663
15. Four-in-one mingled, [C] #1116
1. Free from the law — oh, happy condition! #1001
2. Freed from self and Adam's nature, #840
3. Fresh as the dew of the morning, #708
4. From every stormy wind that blows, #774
5. From Greenland's icy mountains, #915
6. From my spirit within flows a fountain of life — #1191
7. From pray'r that asks that I may be #418
8. From sinking sand He lifted me, [C] #320
9. From the beachhead in our spirit #1297
10. From the north where God is dwelling #1201
1. Full salvation! Full salvation! #321
2. Fully surrendered — Lord, I would be, #442
Index of First Lines & Choruses