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1 |
The Church the lampstand is to Christ, Christ is the lamp with God as light; The light divine from Christ doth shine, The Church upholds its glory bright. |
2 |
The light which shines within the lamp Is God as life, unique, divine; The stand must therefore be of gold To match the glory which doth shine. |
3 |
Amid the darkness of this age The light of life divine doth beam In many centers of mankind Where Jesus' testimony's seen. |
4 |
To be this testimony pure "First love" to Christ the Church must keep; Then from the "tree of life" she may The overcomer's portion reap. |
5 |
She must the persecution bear That she the "crown of life" may gain; Adult'ry spiritual o'ercome, The "hidden manna" to obtain. |
6 |
The deeds of "Jezebel" desert, That she may rule the earth with might; Defiling deadness overcome To be arrayed in "garments white." |
7 |
Like "Philadelphia" she must be To keep Christ's word, confess His Name; All "lukewarm" pride she must o'ercome To feast with Him who overcame. |
8 |
Thus will the Church be purified To be the lampstand of pure gold, To match the testimony pure, The life of Jesus fit to hold. |
9 |
The local churches here on earth The lampstands in this age should be; The glorious new Jerusalem The lampstand in eternity. |
10 |
The city as pure gold will be, The final lampstand consummate; Christ as the lamp she e'er will hold And God's full light will radiate. |
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