1.#15O God, Thou art transcendent,
2.#36We praise Thee, glorious Father,
3.#42By Thee, O God, invited,
4.#46O gracious God, Thy pleasure
5.#48We bless Thee, God and Father,
6.#64O soul-inspiring story —
7.#95O Head once full of bruises,
8.#147Lord, Thou art God's anointed,
9.#165My song shall be of Jesus;
10.#169Thou, Lord, to God art precious,
11.#189Thou art the Son beloved,
12.#195Lord, Thou art all the offerings
13.#202O Lord, Thou art the Alpha
14.#206O Christ, He is the fountain,
15.#213On that same night, Lord Jesus,
16.#380O Bread to pilgrims given,
17.#447My spirit, soul, and body,
18.#463I love, I love my Master,
19.#465O Jesus, I have promised
20.#508Made free! Made free! O captive!
21.#646Oh, trust thyself to Jesus
22.#706Sometimes a light surprises
23.#710The days may yet grow darker,
24.#803O Word of God incarnate,
25.#824The Church is Christ's own Body,
26.#833The Church's one foundation
27.#867As members of the Body
28.#873Charge, soldiers, charge in battle!
29.#875'Tis easy when the morning
30.#897Work, for the Day is coming,
31.#898The love of Christ constraineth;
32.#915From Greenland's icy mountains,
33.#935Around Thy grave, Lord Jesus,
34.#939O day of resurrection,
35.#941God's kingdom is God's reigning,
36.#968Hail to the Lord's Anointed,
37.#1023I need Thee, precious Jesus!
38.#1076O teach me what it meaneth:
39.#1092The saints throughout the centuries
40.#1095The Lord shall get the glory
41.#1098Our hearts are overflowing
42.#1099The queen in gold of Ophir
43.#1102The Lord said unto my Lord,
44.#1229The church is Christ's deep longing
45.#1323The voice of my Beloved,