Eng:1190  Chin:-  Kor:-  Span:-  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:- 

Music:Flora H. Cassel
Meter: with chorus

Hymns using same tune:

#256, #1135


Genesis 12


 1  O Lord, You've called to us, and Canaan we would win,

    To be Your corporate man and dwell with You therein;

    But how the darkness of this world does hold us in —

       O Lord, appear to us, we pray.


O Lord, appear to us today;

We see this is the only way.

The idols to forsake

And Canaan land partake,

O Lord, appear to us today.


 2  O God of glory, shine; draw and we'll follow You.

    Our strength and motive be, it's nothing we could do.

    Your light attracts us, Lord, 'til all else fades from view —

       O Lord, do shine on us, we pray.


O Lord, do shine on us today;

Till all our background fades away,

Till You alone we see,

Shining so gloriously —

O Lord, do shine on us today.


 3  In Your appearing, Lord, we have Your speaking clear;

    Your word empowers us and drives away all fear.

    So, Lord, keep calling us, Your voice we need to hear.

       O Lord, do speak to us, we pray.


O Lord, do speak in us today;

You know the words You need to say.

To open all our heart,

Your very Self impart.

O Lord, do speak in us today.


 4  O Lord, it's not of us, we've seen it's all of You;

    You are the calling One, Originator too!

    We can receive this call by our beholding You —

       O God of glory, come, we pray.


O God of glory, come today;

We've seen this is the only way

To answer Your dear call

That You might be our all —

O God of glory, come today.