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1 |
Jesus, Thy life is mine, Dwell evermore in me; And let me see That nothing can untwine Thy life from mine. |
2 |
Thy life in me be shown, Lord, I would henceforth seek To think and speak Thy thoughts, Thy words alone, No more my own. |
3 |
Thy love, Thy joy, Thy peace, Continuously impart Unto my heart, Fresh springs that never cease, But still increase. |
4 |
The blest reality Of resurrection power, Thy Church's dower, Life more abundantly, Lord, give to me. |
5 |
Thy fullest gift, O Lord, Now at Thy word I claim, Through Thy dear Name, And touch the rapturous chord Of praise forth-poured. |
6 |
Jesus, my life is Thine, And evermore shall be Hidden in Thee, For nothing can untwine Thy life from mine. |
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