Hymns, #253

Fullness of the Spirit - As the Breath

Eng/Kor:253  Chin:-  Span:-  Rus:-  Tag:-  Fra:253  Por:135

Lyrics:Edwin Hatch
Music:(1) Robert Jackson
(2) Lowell Mason

Hymns using same tune:

#111, #285, #356, #504, #543 (Tune 1), #812


Breathe on us, Lord of life,

Fill us with life anew,

That we may love what Thou dost love,

And do what Thou wouldst do.


Breathe on us, Lord of life,

Until our hearts are pure,

Until with Thee we will one will,

To do or to endure.


Breathe on us, Lord of life,

Till we are wholly Thine,

Till all this earthly part of us

Glows with Thy fire divine.


Breathe on us, Lord of life,

So shall we never die,

But live with Thee the perfect life

Of Thine eternity.

Hymn #253