Hymns, #1169

Experience of Christ - As the Good Land

Eng/Kor:1169  Chin:-  Span:-  Rus:-  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:-

Music:Arr. from Robert A. Schumann

Hymns using same tune:

#822, #892, #903, #927 (Tune 1), #943, #1272, #1274


Our worship in reality

Is typified in Moses' law:

With Canaan's produce, rich and sweet,

All Israel came and worshipped God.


'Tis thus that we must come today

To worship in reality:

When we bring Christ as produce sweet

God fully satisfied will be.


The worship that God so desired

Was not with manna sent from heav'n,

But from their labor on the land

The people's gifts to God were giv'n.


Thus, what God so desires today.

Are not the miracles so grand,

But daily, normal life in Christ,

As worship, produce of the land.


The manna came from God alone;

The produce, from man's work on Him.

So all our worship now must come

From mingling with the Lord within.


As day by day we live in Christ,

And take Him as our everything,

The produce of the land comes forth

And worship true to God we'll bring.


The manna, Lord, no more we'll seek,

But Christ in all we will apply;

Then we will have some produce sweet,

Thine own dear heart to satisfy.

Hymn #1169